
MAPFRE generates €609 million in 2019, a 15.2 percent increase

MAPFRE’s net earnings in 2019 came in a €609 million, 15.2 percent better than the previous year, while the Group’s revenues rose by 7.1 percent to €28.47 billion. Premiums were up by 2.2 percent to €23.04 billion thanks to, among other things, the solid performance of business in Spain, in the LATAM North regional area and in the Reinsurance business.

MAPFRE’s net earnings in 2019 came in a €609 million, 15.2 percent better than the previous year, while the Group’s revenues rose by 7.1 percent to €28.47 billion. Premiums were up by 2.2 percent to €23.04 billion thanks to, among other things, the solid performance of business in Spain, in the LATAM North regional area and in the Reinsurance business.

It is important to note that the cost of damages caused by the Faxai and Hagibis typhoons in Japan (€107 million), riots in Chile (€24 million) and heavy rain and storms in Spain (€17 million), among other events, had a heavy impact on the results for 2019. Nevertheless, thanks to the measures taken within the profitable growth framework, MAPFRE Group’s combined ratio was marked at 97.6 percent and their attributable equity stood at €8.85 billion (a 10.8 percent increase) at the end of the fiscal year. Furthermore, MAPFRE Group’s total assets grew by 7.8 percent, reaching a total of €72.51 billion.

Group investments increased by 8.6 percent in the last year to €53.52 billion, with 56.2 percent of these investments in sovereign debt and 17.5 percent in corporate fixed income, while 5.2 percent are equity investments and 4.7 percent are cash. At the close of September 2019, the Solvency II ratio stood at 195 percent, compared to 198 percent in June. However, thanks to a high level of diversification and a stringent investment and management policy, MAPFRE Group’s solvency ratio continues to remain robust and stable.

Insurance Unit premiums totaled €19.29 billion in 2019, indicating a rise of 3 percent from the previous year, and attributable earnings were up by 17.7 percent amounting to €806 million. Notwithstanding this, MAPFRE Spain continues to be a market leader for ten quarters, while earnings in Brazil and LATAM North grew by 79 percent and 44.6 percent respectively. Peru continues to be a driving force for the LATAM Southern region, strongly contributing to a premium volume of €1.6 billion, while US earnings increased sevenfold to €57 million. On the other hand, the EURASIA Regional Area recorded a premium volume of €1.7 billion, boasting a 21 percent increase in earnings to €15 million.

Despite the aforementioned increase in disasters, the Reinsurance Unit achieved earnings of €77 million in 2019. Reinsurance Unit premiums stood at €4.52 billion, which was 19.4 percent higher than in the previous year, while MAPFRE GLOBAL RISKS premium volume stood at €1.06 billion. The latter figure was a 9.7 percent decrease from the previous year due to several large claims made in 2019, with a net cost of €27 million.

Regarding social dividends, the main indicators of the Group’s social commitment included:

  • Tax contribution amounting to €325 million equivalent to an effective rate of 25 percent;
  • Scoring high in their environmental, social and governance (ESG) commitment;
  • Commitment to employment, with 97 percent of MAPFRE’s 34,000 employees worldwide having a permanent contract; commitment to diversity, having 48.3 percent of vacancies and positions of high responsibility filled by women and people with disabilities representing at nearly 3 percent of the workforce;
  • Commitment to society, with 125,000 people having benefitted from the work of over 10,000 employees and their families through the MAPFRE’s Corporate Volunteering Program;
  • Environmental commitment by reducing its carbon footprint with the prospect of achieving neutrality in global emissions by 2030, with the most immediate objective being the achievement of zero emissions in Spain and Portugal by the end of 2021.

MAPFRE tiġġenera €609 miljun fl-2019, żieda ta’ 15.2%

Il-qligħ nett tal-Grupp Globali MAPFRE fl-2019 kien ta’ €609 miljun, 15.2% aħjar mis-sena ta’ qabel, filwaqt li d-dħul tal-Grupp żdied b’7.1 fil-mija għal €28.47 biljun. Il-premiums żdiedu b’ 2% għal € 23.04 biljun grazzi għal, fost affarijiet oħra, il-prestazzjoni tajba tan-negozju fi Spanja, fiż-żona reġjonali tal-LATAM u fin-negozju tar-riassigurazzjoni.

Tajjeb li wieħed jinnota li l-ispiża għad-danni kkawżati mit-tifun Faxai u Hagibis fil-Ġappun
(€ 107 miljun), irvellijiet fiċ-Ċilì (€ 24 miljun) u xita qawwija u maltempati fi Spanja (€ 17-il miljun), fost avvenimenti oħra, kellhom impatt qawwi fuq ir-riżultati għall-2019. Madankollu, il-Grupp MAPFRE ħa miżuri li għenu għall-tkabbir profittabli, biex b’hekk il-
il-proporzjon kombinat tal-Grupp MAPFRE kien ta’ 97.6% u l-ekwità attribwibbli tagħhom kienet ta’ € 8.85 biljun (żieda ta ‘10.8 fil-mija) fl-aħħar tas-sena fiskali. Barra minn hekk, l-assi totali tal-Grupp MAPFRE kiber b’7.8% u laħaq total ta’ €72.51 biljun.

L-investimenti tal-grupp żdiedu bi 8.6% s-sena l-oħra għal € 53.52 biljun, b’56.2% ta’ dawn l-investimenti f’dejn sovran u 17.5% fi dħul fiss tal-kumpaniji, waqt li 5.2% huma investimenti fl-ekwità u 4.7% huma flus kontanti. Fl-għeluq ta ‘Settembru 2019, il-proporzjon Solvenza II kien ta’ 195%, meta mqabbel ma’ 198% f’Ġunju. Madankollu, grazzi għal livell għoli ta’ diversifikazzjoni u miżuri stretti dwar investiment, il-proporzjon tas-solvenza tal-Grupp MAPFRE jibqa’ stabbli.

Il-primjums tal-assigurazzjoni ammontaw għal € 19.29 biljun fl-2019, żieda ta’ 3% fuq is-sena ta’ qabel, u l-qligħ attribwibbli kien ta’ 17.7%,li jammonta għal € 806 miljun. Minkejja dan, fi Spanja, MAPFRE tibqa tmexxi issuq, filwaqt li l-qliegħ fil-Brażil u r-reġjun LATAM
kiber b’79% u 44.6% rispettivament. Il-Peru jkompli jmexxi dan it-tkabbir fir-reġjun tan-Nofsinhar tar-reġjun LATAM, li jikkontribwixxi b’mod sinifikanti għal volum ta’ primjums ta’
€ 1.6 biljun, filwaqt li l-qligħ tal-Istati Uniti żdied b’seba ’darbiet għal € 57 miljun. Min-naħa l-oħra, iż-Żona Reġjonali tal-EURASIA rreġistrat volum primjum ta ‘€ 1.7 biljun, b’ żieda ta’ 21% fil-qligħ għal € 15-il miljun.

Minkejja ż-żieda fl-ammont ta’ diżastri madwar id-dinja, il-Grupp kiseb qligħ ta’ 77 miljun f’dak li hu relatat mar-Riassigurazzjoni. F’dan ir-rigward, il-primjums laħqu €4.52 biljun, 19.4% ogħla mis-sena ta’ qabel, filwaqt li l-volum ta’ primjums ta’ MAPFRE Global Risks, kienu ta €1.06 biljun, tnaqqis ta 9.7% mis-sena ta’ qabel minħabba diversi talbiet kbar, bi spiża ta’ €27 miljun.

Fir-Rigward ta’ dividendi soċjali, l-impenn soċjali tal-Grupp kienu jinkludu:

  • Kontribuzzjoni tat-taxxa li tammonta għal € 325 miljun ekwivalenti għal rata effettiva ta’ 25%
  • Punteġġ għoli fl-impenn ambjentali, soċjali u ta’ governanza (ESG)
  • Impenn għal impjieg, b’97% tal-34,000 impjegat tal-MAPFRE fid-dinja kollha għandhom kuntratt permanenti;
  • impenn għad-diversità, b’48.3% ta’ karigi ta’ għolja mimlijin minn nisa u persuni b’diżabilità li jirrappreżentaw kważi 3% tal-ħaddiema
  • Impenn lejn is-soċjetà, b’1200,000 persuna bbenefikaw mix-xogħol ta’ aktar minn 10,000 impjegat u l-familji tagħhom permezz tal-Programm ta’ Volontarjat;
    Impenn ambjentali permezz ta’ tnaqqis ta’ użu ta karbonju, bl-għan li tinkiseb newtralità fl-emissjonijiet globali sal-2030, bl-iktar għan immedjat huwa l-kisba ta’ żero emissjonijiet fi Spanja u l-Portugall sa tmiem l-2021.
MAPFRE Malta reinforce its commitment towards corporate social responsibility during Coronavirus pandemic

MAPFRE Malta reinforce its commitment towards corporate social responsibility during Coronavirus pandemic

MAPFRE Middlesea p.l.c., as a standalone Company, registered a turnover of €75.12 million in gross premium written, a 1.0% increase over FY2019 registering a marginal increase in its market leadership share. In a year dominated by the COVID-19 pandemic, premium growth was severely depressed, with the market only marginally increasing in volume as economic activity slowed down. Technical results improved over previous year as the near lockdown months and the lack of tourist visiting the island affected favourably the claim frequency particularly in Motor. Fewer large losses occurred during the year with a lower effect on results compared to the previous year.

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Fundacion MAPFRE sponsors therapeutic facility at Inspire Foundation

Fundacion MAPFRE sponsors therapeutic facility at Inspire Foundation

For the fourth consecutive year, Fundacion MAPFRE has partnered up with Inspire Foundation, through a generous donation that will allow specialised services for children and adults with a disability to continue. The sum of €53,000 has been contributed to cover the running costs of one of Inspire’s therapeutic facilities – the Multi-Sensory Rooms (MSR).

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