
MAPFRE Malta celebrate Health Week 2019

This year, MAPFRE Malta, comprised of MAPFRE Middlesea and MAPFRE MSV Life, once again celebrated Health Week during the month of June in order to raise awareness on the importance of both physical and mental wellbeing for its group of employees.

During the first day of Health Week, employees were greeted with delicious packs of healthy breakfast items that were distributed to all staff from both companies. The remainder of the day was then followed by a workshop aimed to build emotional resilience which was delivered by Richmond Foundation, as well as a visit to Razzet il-Qasam whereby attendees were treated to a snack from the local produce of the farm. The visit to Razzett il-Qasam was an excellent opportunity for attendees to appreciate the hard work and dedication required in order to protect the local produce and environment.

On the second day, further talks on ‘Organ Donation’ and ‘Technology and Wellbeing’ were delivered by Ms Patricia Galea, Director of Healthcare Standards from the Department of Health Regulation, and Richmond Foundation respectively. MAPFRE Malta staff were also provided with the opportunity to take tests for their blood pressure and glucose levels to further enforce the importance of their physical wellbeing.

Several other talks had followed throughout the week, including a Chef’s Talk whereby a chef demonstrated the preparation of a healthy recipe, a presentation on ‘Positive Change’ delivered by Psychology graduate Sharon Cusens, and an ‘Inside Out’ session delivered by Richmond Foundation which allowed participants to explore the importance of understanding others’ emotions and the different means of expressing oneself. The final talk tackled the issue of obesity which Malta is currently facing, delivered by state registered nutritionist Fleur Marie Bugeja.

The MAPFRE Malta Health Week concluded with a healthy lunch consisting of delicious food for all employees. MAPFRE Malta will continue to celebrate Health Week annually in order to continue enforcing the concept of practicing healthy lifestyles amongst its employees.

MAPFRE Middlesea p.l.c. (C-5553) is authorised by the Malta Financial Services Authority to carry on both Long Term and General Business under the Insurance Business Act, Cap 403 of the Laws of Malta.
MAPFRE MSV Life p.l.c. (C-15722) is authorised by the Malta Financial Services Authority to carry on Long Term Business under the Insurance Business Act, Cap 403 of the Laws of Malta. Both entities are regulated by MFSA.


MAPFRE Malta tiċċelebra ġimgħa favur is-saħħa fiżika u mentali

Għal darb’oħra MAPFRE Middlesea u MAPFRE MSV Life iċċelebraw ġimgħa iddedikata lis-saħħa, biex titqajjem kuxjenza dwar l-importanza ta’ saħħa fiżika u mentali fost l-impjegati.

Matul din il-ġimgħa, kienu organizzati numru ta’ inizjattivi bl-għan li jqajmu għarfien dwar kif wieħed jista’ jkun aktar b’saħħtu. L-impjegati ingħataw kolazzjon mimli nutrijenti u vitamini, waqt li attendew numru ta’ workshops differenti. Workshop organizzat minn Richmond Foundation spjega lill-impjegati dwar kif jistgħu jibnu reżiljenza emozzjonali. Kienet ukoll organizzata żjara f’Razzett il-Qasam fejn l-impjegati setgħu iduqu prodotti lokali, waqt li jsiru jafu aktar dwar ix-xogħol u dedikazzjoni ta’ dawn il-bdiewa.

Fit-tieni ġurnata ta’ din l-inizjattiva, Richmond Foundation organizzat diskussjoni dwar kif it-teknoloġija kapaċi taffetwana u kif nistgħu nagħmlu l-aħjar użu minna. F’taħdita oħra, Patricia Galea, Direttriċi fid-dipartiment tar-regolazzjoni tas-saħħa tkellmet dwar id-donazzjoni tal-organi. F’inizjattiva oħra, l-impjegati kellhom l-opportunita’ jieħdu testijiet
għall-pressjoni tad-demm u l-livell ta’ zokkor.

Matul il-ġimgħa, kien hemm diversi workshops oħra, fosthom waħda fejn kok professjonali spjegat lill-impjegati kemm hu faċli tipprepara ikel bnin u b’saħħtu. Sharon Cusens, gradwata fil-psikoloġija tkellmet dwar kif wieħed jista’ jkollu bidla posittiva waqt li rapreżentanti ta’ Richmond Foundation, f’workshop initolat Inside Out, spjegaw kif wieħed jista’ jifhem aħjar l-emozzjonijiet ta’ ħaddieħor u l-mezzi differenti ta’ kif wieħed jista jesprimi ruħu. L-aħħar diskussjoni indirizzat il-kwistjoni tal-obeżità li Malta qeghda taffaċja bħalissa, mogħtija minn Fleur Marie Bugeja.

Din il-ġimgħa intemmet permezz ta’ ikla bnina għall-impjegati kollha. Kull sena MAPFRE Malta tiċċelebra din il-ġimgħa, biex tinforza il-kunċett ta’ ħajja b’saħħitha fost l-impjegati.

MAPFRE Middlesea p.l.c (C-5553) hija awtorizzata mill-Awtorità għas-Servizzi Finanzjarji ta ‘ Malta (MFSA) biex tmexxi Negozju fit-Tul u Generali skont l-Att dwar il-Kummerc tal-Assigurazzjoni, Kap 403 tal- Liġijiet ta’ Malta.

MAPFRE MSV Life p.l.c. (C-15722) hija awtorizzata mill-Awtorità għas-Servizzi Finanzjarji ta ‘ Malta biex tmexxi negozju tal-assigurazzjoni fit-Tul taħt l-Att dwar il-Kummerc tal- Assigurazzjoni, Kap 403 tal- Liġijiet ta’ Malta.

L-entitajiet kollha huma regolati mill-MFSA.