mapfre environmental commitment

MAPFRE’s commitment to the environment

MAPFRE has met some very important objectives in its commitment to sustainability, most notably through its MAPFRE Sin Plástico campaign.

In 2018 MAPFRE recycled almost 1,000 tons of paper and processed over 4,000 tons of waste in total.

This year, MAPFRE launched the MAPFRE Sin Plástico campaign to help it contribute to the circular economy in Spain and Portugal. In total, more than 80 percent of employees in these countries participated, with over 9,000 co-workers now using reusable glass bottles and filtered water dispensers. This small change has prevented the use of 1.5 million single-use plastic bottles.

The MAPFRE Sin Plástico commitment, which forms part of the Sustainability Plan 2019–2021, has enabled all single-use plastic to be replaced with 100-percent sustainable packaging materials, both in vending machines and in canteens and cafeterias at MAPFRE’s corporate headquarters in Spain and at its Portuguese headquarters.

MAPFRE has also replaced 2 million single-use plastic cups with biodegradable cups, and has installed filtered and purified water dispensers with quality control, thus helping to improve the well-being of employees and clients.

The objective of this campaign is to achieve 100 percent coverage at MAPFRE’s facilities in Spain and Portugal before the end of the year. Thanks to projects like this one, MAPFRE is one of the 15 Spanish companies forming part of the 2018 Dow Jones Sustainability World Index, and is considered by CDP to be one of the world’s leading companies in the fight against climate change.

MAPFRE b’impenn għall-ambjent

Il-Kumpanija globali MAPFRE laħqet għanjiet importanti ħafna fl-impenn tagħha għas-sostenibbiltà, l-aktar permezz ta’ kampanja bl-isem ta’ Sin Plástico.

Matul l-2018, MAPFRE rriċiklat kważi 1,000 tunellata ta’ karti, waqt li pproduċiet aktar minn 4,000 tunnellata ta’ skart.

Din is-sena, il-kumpanija nediet Sin Plástico bl-għan li tikkontribwixxi għall-ekonomija ċirkolari fi Spanja u l-Portugall. F’dawn il-pajjiżi, aktar minn 80% tal-impjegati pparteċipaw, b’aktar minn 9000 ħaddiem issa qed jużaw il-flixken tal-ħġieġ u dispensers tal-ilma ffiltrat. Din il-bidla zgħira frankat l-użu ta’ 1.5 miljun flixkun tal-plastik.

Il-Kampanja Sin Plástico, li tifforma parti mill-pjan tas-sostenibbiltà 2019–2021,ippermetiet li l-użu tal-plastiki kun sostitwit minn materjal sostenibbli, kemm minn magni u minn canteens fil-kumpaniji ta’ MAPFRE fi Spanja u l-Portugall. 2 miljuni tazzi tal-plastik kienu sostwiti minn tazzi bijodegradabbli, waqt li l-ħaddiema issa jagħmlu użu minn magni li jiffiltraw l-ilma.

Il-Kampanja issa għanda l-għan li tkopri dan il-kuċċett f’ kull faċilita ta’ MAPFRE fi Spanja u l-Portugall qabel tmiem is-sena. Permezz ta’ proġetti bħal dawn, MAPFRE tikseb posta bħala waħda mill-15 -il-kumpanija Sponjala li jiffurmaw parti mill-indiċi Dow Jones Sustainability World Index, waqt li CPD jirreferu għal MAPFRE bħala waħda minn dawk il-kumpaniji li qed jaħdmu kontra l-bidla fil-klima.