inspire foundation for autism

MAPFRE Group team up with Inspire Foundation for World Autism Awareness month

As part of their ongoing commitment to corporate social responsibility, 6 employees from MAPFRE Group teamed up with Inspire Foundation by helping out with the STAR 25 Programme. This initiative was carried out in support of the cause pertaining to World Autism Awareness month.

The STAR 25 Programme is one which was delivered by Inspire Foundation for young adults with profound neurological conditions which cause a number of complex difficulties in aspects such as mobility, communication, and the ability to manage personal care. Some of the clients forming part of this programme also have auditory and/or visual impairments.

Clients of the STAR 25 Programme receive a range of therapies such as the more traditional physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech and language pathology, hydrotherapy, as well as more diverse alternatives such as therapeutic horseback riding, multisensory therapy and a range of other complementary therapies. Further to this, clients are able to participate in a wide range of individual and group activities. The aforementioned include crafts, pottery, cookery, human-animal interaction, music and movement, and IT.

All activities are adapted to the needs and abilities of the individual client as to ensure that they gain the maximum benefit, and thus, are being supporting to fulfil their potential. Activities have been designed to maintain and promote clients’ motor, social, communication, behavioural and cognitive skills within a fun and relaxed environment.
As part of their therapeutic practices, Inspire Foundation organised a figolli-making session on the 11th April. MAPFRE volunteers had the opportunity to help out during this session and directly integrate with 20 clients from the STAR 25 Programme, some of whom have profound neurological difficulties. Due to the nature of their disabilities, trained tutors and supervisors were also present during the session.

“Inspires absolutely knows how to do things in the best way. They managed to put all of us (volunteers, therapeutics and disabled individuals) working together for creating a nice Easter environment, including baking figolli. We felt part of it and we could understand better the reality of those people, their real needs and expectations. I must also say that it was very emotive seeing those professionals so fully dedicated, looking after their ‘clients’ in such a personalized and specialized manner. Amazing. We felt very little with such huge devotion. I strongly recommend people being a volunteer of Inspire for their own personal development. We can learn so much from each other”, said Ines Silva, Chief Officer of Human Resources at MAPFRE Middlesea and sponsor of this activity

Going forward, MAPFRE Group will continue to participate in such initiatives in order to support the cause and raise awareness towards autism.

MAPFRE Middlesea p.l.c. (C-5553) is authorised by the Malta Financial Services Authority to carry on both Long Term and General Business under the Insurance Business Act, Cap 403 of the Laws of Malta.
MAPFRE MSV Life p.l.c. is authorised by the Malta Financial Services Authority to carry on Long Term Business under the Insurance Business Act, Cap 403 of the Laws of Malta. Both entities are regulated by MFSA.

Il-Grupp MAPFRE jingħaqad mal-Fundazzjoni Inspire f’attivita tal-Għid

Bħala parti minn programm ta’ responsabbiltà soċjali, sitt impjegati mill-Grupp MAPFRE ingħaqdu mal-Fundazzjoni Inspire permezz ta’ attivita, inizjattiva li iffurmat parti minn kampanja ta’ għarfien dwar l-Awtiżmu matul April.

Wieħed mill-programmi offrut minn Inspire huwa STAR 25, programm għal persuni b’kundizzjonijiet newrloġiċi profondi, li jikkawżaw problemi serji fil- mobbilta u kommunikazzjoni fost l-oħrajn. Uħud minn dawn il-klijenti għandhom ukoll problemi bi smigħ u vista.

Il-Fundazzjoni Inspire toffri diversi servizzi lil-persuni b’diżabilta fiżika u intelletwali. Dawn is-servizzi jinkludu occupational therapy, fiżjoterapija, speech therapy, hydrotherapy kif ukoll firxa ta’ terapiji oħra bħal horseback riding therapy, multisensroy therapy fost l-oħrajn. Barra minn hekk, il-klijenti għandhom iċ-ċans jipparteċipaw f’numru ta’ attivitajiet kemm individwali kif ukoll fi gruppi. Dawn jinkludu crafts, tisjir, attivitajiet mużikali, sportivi u oħrajn.

L-attivitajiet huma adattati skond il-ħtiġijiet u l-abbiltajiet tal-klijenti biex b’hekk ikun tal-aħjar benefiċċju għalihom u b’hekk tgħinhom jilħqu l-potenzjal sħiħ tagħhom.

Bħala parti mill-programm tagħhom, il-Fondazzjoni Inspire organizzat sessjoni fejn il-klijenti ta’ STAR 25 ħejjew il-figolli tal-Għid. Il-Voluntiera ta’ MAPFRE kellhom l-opportunità li jgħinu matul din is-sessjoni u jintegraw direttament mal- għoxrin persuna, li wħud minnhom għandhom diffikultajiet newroloġiċi profondi. Minħabba n-natura tad-diżabilitajiet tagħhom, l-għalliema u professjonisti mħarrġa kienu wkoll preżenti waqt is-sessjoni.

“Il-Fundazzjoni Inspire taħdem b’mod professjonali ħafna. Matul din l-attivita il-voluntiera tagħna u l-individwi b’diżabilità kellhom iċ-ċans jaħdmu flimkien biex joħolqu ambjent sabiħ tal-Għid billi jippreparaw il-figolli. Stajna nifhmu aħjar ir–realtà ta’ dawn in-nies, u stajna naraw kemm il-professjonisti huma dedikati bi sħiħ. Din l-attivita swiet ta’ lezzjoni għalina kollha,” qalet Ines Silva, Chief Officer tar-Riżorsi Umani ta’ MAPFRE Malta.

Fil-futur, il- Grupp MAPFRE lest li jkompli jipparteċipa f’inizjattivi bħal dawn, fost l-oħrajn dawn li jqajjmu kuxjenza dwar l-awtiżmu.

MAPFRE Middlesea p.l.c (C-5553) hija awtorizzata mill-Awtorità għas-Servizzi Finanzjarji ta ‘ Malta (MFSA) biex tmexxi Negozju fit-tul u Generali skont l-Att dwar il-Kummerc tal-Assigurazzjoni, Kap 403 fil- Liġijiet ta’ Malta.

MAPFRE MSV Life p.l.c. (C-15722) hija awtorizzata mill-Awtorità għas-Servizzi Finanzjarji ta ‘ Malta biex tmexxi negozju tal-assigurazzjoni fit-tul taħt l-Att dwar il-Kummerc tal- Assigurazzjoni, Kap 403 fil- Liġijiet ta’ Malta.
L-entitajiet kollha huma regolati mill-MFSA.